Yoga for mothers

Yoga for mothers – restorative, gentle exercises for women after giving birth

These Yoga for mothers classes are for people who have given birth recently – from a couple of months up to even years ago. The main focus of the classes is restorative exercises for the core muscles, for the muscles of the pelvic floor and in addition mental, emotional and physical well being. I find it important to also offer stress release techniqes that are simple and easy enough to do daily, incorporating it into the busy life of a parent with a small baby or toddler. I would like you to be able to complete each class feeling relaxed and empowered in your own body.

Date and time of the online yoga for mothers classes

Weekly 60 minute classes Sundays at 10:00 CET through Zoom. The first class in on the 24th of May.


Single class: €10
3 sessions: €28 – valid for 1 month
5 sessions: €45 – valid for 2 months

Postpartum precautions

  • I would recommend to wait at least 6 weeks after the birth, a little longer in case of a Cesearean birth
  • Ask your health provider about starting any kind of exercise after birth, especially about the extent of diastatis recti (abdominal separation) and your pelvic floor health
  • Always listen to your body and do poses and exercises accordingly

Sign up for the classes

You can sign up for the class(es) with completing payment for either a single class or buying a 3 or 5 session card. Please fill out the form below so I can send you a payment request and upon completed payment the meeting link in Zoom.

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Data collected from the forms is only used for the administration of the Yoga for mothers classes. All entries are deleted after 30 days.