4 06, 2020

Breech baby? Consultation and massage package

2020-08-17T12:38:05+02:00Tags: , , , , , |

The world is upside down - my baby is head-up The uncertain times of the last couple of months have been quite hard on expecting people. Regulations concerning pregnancy and birth related care are constantly changing and limitations in terms of who is allowed to support and accompany the birthing people have been very hard to accept. The weeks leading up the birth are exiting times even when the circumstances are calm and relaxing. When you add uncertainty and lots of worry it causes the mind and body function differently. Babies also react to the happenings of the outside

6 04, 2020

Doula support in the time of coronavirus

2020-08-17T12:38:05+02:00Tags: , , , , |

How are my work and doula services I offer different now that everything has moved online? I was at a birth in an Amsterdam hospital when a text came from my husband that schools are closing down for at least 3 weeks. These 3 weeks have already passed and it seems there are a couple more still coming where in person services and in general, social connections are limited. Doula support in the time of coronavirus My work is about connection. The initial preparation sessions are leading up to the birth, where my role is to be present in

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