The world is upside down – my baby is head-up
The uncertain times of the last couple of months have been quite hard on expecting people. Regulations concerning pregnancy and birth related care are constantly changing and limitations in terms of who is allowed to support and accompany the birthing people have been very hard to accept. The weeks leading up the birth are exiting times even when the circumstances are calm and relaxing. When you add uncertainty and lots of worry it causes the mind and body function differently.
Babies also react to the happenings of the outside world and they do have their own story and version of truth. Their preparation for birth might also be affected by what is going on outside, and with all our best intentions to make their journey as healthy and safe as possible sometimes this are not exactly what we have planned and been waiting for.
When a baby is not turning head down they are positioning themselves in a variation of normal. If this happens only a couple of weeks before birth there are suddenly new aspects to consider. How it feels safe for the parents and for the baby to be born from this variation of normal is a personal desicision.

My job as a doula is to listen to your story, your worries and wishes for your birth and supplement your already gathered information so that you can choose the safest and best way to birth your baby.
Should you wish to give birth to your baby vaginally or decide to plan a Ceasarean birth.
Consultation and massage – doula package to ease your body and mind – € 210
This is why I have put together this special package, which includes a 2 hour consultation and a 1,5 hour massage in your home. During the consultation we can look at the options available for you and see how to come up with a plan that gives you confidence and reassurance.
Moreover, receiving a pregnancy massage is also another way to connect to your own body and to your baby. It is a gentle way of being touched, acknowledged, seen and heard. It also allows for mental and physical stress release, putting your mind and your body at ease.
If you feel this resonates with how you feel at the moment, please contact me for a consultation & massage package.
What I am offering through this service is not per se a breech baby treatment to make baby turn head down. The aim of this package is to complement whatever medical or non medical treatments you choose and to provide further information and relaxation.
If you are interested in my doula services and how I support mainly hospital births in the Amsterdam area, you can read more about it here.
If you would like to read more about how natural disasters or terrorist attacks for example affect maternal health and birth outcomes, you can read a study here.
I follow the guidelines of the RIVM regarding coronavirus:
I only have 1 client per day.
I don’t give facial massage.
We both wash our hands before and after the massage.
If I have cold or flu-like symptoms or anything that points to COVID-19, I cancel our appointments and will not work again until I free from any symptoms for 24 hours.
If I have been in contact with someone who (probably) has a COVID-19 infection, I will only resume work after 14 days.
If you, a family member or housemate have experienced colds, fever or flu-like symptoms in the meantime, cancel or reschedule your appointment. A cancellation for this reason will not be charged.